Steuerreform, billigere Energie, eine „neue Grundsicherung“: Die CDU formuliert ihren Entwurf für ein Wirtschaftsprogramm. Und will es bei einem Erfolg bei der Bundestagswahl sofort umsetzen.
The Handelsblatt article argues that the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) is proposing policies focused on achieving 2% annual economic growth as part of their agenda for the upcoming Bundestag election. They see this consistent growth as crucial for Germany's future prosperity and competitiveness.
Essentially, the article highlights the CDU's economic strategy centered around ambitious growth targets as a key policy point for the election.
The Handelsblatt article argues that the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) is proposing policies focused on achieving 2% annual economic growth as part of their agenda for the upcoming Bundestag election. They see this consistent growth as crucial for Germany's future prosperity and competitiveness. Essentially, the article highlights the CDU's economic strategy centered around ambitious growth targets as a key policy point for the election.